There's a place your mother goes
When everybody else is soundly sleeping
Through the lights of Beacon Street
And if you listen you can hear her weeping
She's weeping because the gentlemen are calling
And the snow is softly falling on her petticoats
And she's standing in the harbor
And she's waiting for the sailors in the jolly boat
See how they approach?
this little painting is inspired by a cautionary song, by the decemberists. full lyrics can be found here, the song itself is on their myspace page.

what do you do when you have paint left? you make a quick potrait of any picture or person around. in this case, i painted an andrew bird picture from a review that was lying around.
i actually like the quick one better. damn.
2 opmerkingen:
Very nice paintings :)
Nice atmosphere on the first one, makes me think of the naturalism/realism era of literature or painting.
Andrew Bird looks veru good and pretty alike!
cool, I think he'd like it !
heeft inderdaad een naturalistisch tintje, supergoe ! alsof hij een fabriekswerker is die mooie liedjes zingt om zijn miserie te vergeten.
en dan thuis nerveuze tics heeft zoals met zijn hoofd naar links bewegen, omdat hij heel de dag aan een lopende band staat en moet kijken of er geen schrijffouten op flesjes levenselexir staan.
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